Autumn is here and guess what, is my favorite season...!
The colors are something that no one can ever describe. The variety of shades is a reminder of how unique each one of us is. No matter how similar we are there is always a shade difference...And the warmth of the Sun, gently touching your face...
I hope you had as much fun this Summer, as me !
After wrapping up the closing of the store I had wonderful with friends and family. Traveling, hiking, swimming and of course, decorating.
This is before and after pictures from the bedroom
of a very special woman.
And because she is special, I created a special room
for her to feel like a Queen.
Even Layla expressed her approval, by jumping up and resting like royalty..!!!!
After the Bedroom, was the Living room.. You can see above again, before and after pictures.
The client was so pleased with the results, that I was invited to spend some time at her summer home in
Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia.
I love the tranquility of this province.
The laid back attitude of the people, the rolling hills, the caves of the shore, the tides and the music.
I'll remember this trip as a wonderful time combining the plenty of pleasure and a bit of work !
Thees rooms with lovely antique furniture needed
only repositioning to achieve a pleasing and comfortable balance.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I'll continue sharing my projects with you, with the hope that they will help you make your decisions.
Until the next time,
Lucy Kokalov